Saturday, October 19, 2019


I want to start this posting by reminding my faithful readers of the reason for the blog. I started it in case people were wondering about the details of my status and treatments. When you casually ask either of us "How are you doing?", you will always get the same answer from Barbara or me. It will be "Good, Very Good, Fine, Great" or something like that. That is what people want to hear. They don't really want a detailed "organ recital". They want to hear that their friend is doing well. They don't really want to know the details. And it is not because they don't care; it is because they do.

While I don't mind telling people about my medical details, going through it repeatedly can get tedious. That is why I take the time to put it into the blog. Please don't be offended if we ask you to check the blog. That is why it is here.

As a reminder, if you do call us, use our cell phones (781 area code). Avoid using the 603 number because we have it going directly to voice mail (thank you robo-callers). If you leave a message, it might take several days for us to get back to you. We no longer have a PO Box in Meredith, but get mail in both Meredith, NH and Westwood MA.

Please do not confuse me with the "Warren Clark" from Keene, NH who was just sent to prison for dealing drugs. It is NOT ME. Trust me. More drugs is the last thing I want in my life.

So, here is the latest status.

I am in a sort of limbo, treatment wise. We went to Dana Farber on Wednesday with the idea of starting "Cycle 5" of Melflufen. They decided to hold off a week. I was not surprised. Melflufen messes with the blood producing stuff in my body. I was low on both red and white blood cells. This did not surprise me since I was getting winded just going up a flight of stairs. I attributed this to the low red blood cell count. Instead, of Melflufen, they gave me a blood transfusion. As long as I was there, I got Neupogen to increase my white blood cell count, a flu shot, some Tylenol and Benadril to  help with the transfusion and finally some Zometa to help my bones. For all I know, they might have popped some other stuff into me while I was not looking.

I had hoped and expected that the blood transfusion would make me feel like Superman. It helped but I still do not have my normal endurance. But realizing that I don't feel like Superman, reminded me that I bought a Superman costume for $5 at a yard sale several years ago. I got it home and it did not fit so I stuffed it into a closet and forgot about it. But guess what? Remember that appendicitis from this summer during which I lost 25 pounds? The Superman outfit now fits great. Now I know what I am wearing at the Fox Hill Village Halloween party? Gotta take the good with the bad.

We will be going back to Dana Farber next Wednesday where they will reevaluate the Melflufen treatment. I takes a week for test results from last Wednesday to come back. I will not be surprised if they decide to stop the Melflufen since it did not seem to do much during the last couple of cycles.

If it is not working, there are a number of other treatments they can try, so I will report back. 

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