Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Well, actually, Happy Day Before Thanksgiving.
I just started my clinical trial of CC0-220 (whatever that means) today. I will be taking this drug orally for the next 21 days and then I have 7 days off.
I can't say that I am thrilled. I was hoping to get a trial that combined this drug with Velcade. There are four "cohorts" and I got the one with Dexamethosone, but no Velcade. Also, I would rather be on the treatment from a year ago, but I am not. Long story there.
Before starting this clinical trial, they provided me with a "consent form". In the consent form, there was a list of possible side effects - 8 pages of side effects. I kid you not. Eight pages. Most of them, I already have to some degree or another.
This morning, they did a preliminary blood draw in "Laboratory Services". I then had an exam with a nurse practitioner on Floor 7. I then went to "Infusion" on Floor 6 where they gave me IVIG. They gave also me the 10 Dex tablets and drew 12 vials of blood and then gave me the actual CC-220 drug. Next they will wait 3 hours, draw more blood then wait another 2 hours and draw still more blood. That will be the end of the blood samples for today, presumable because by then I will be completely empty.
I have always previously been treated on Floor 7. Treatment for this clinical trial is on floor 6. I feel like I have been demoted. Plus my favorite nurse is on Floor 7. But the floor 6 nurses also seem very nice, though it might take them a while to get used to me.
On the bright side, they have a candy bowl on Floor 6..
So, now Barbara and I have 5 hours to kill while they watch me in case there are disastrous side effects. So far so good. I am using my time to process email and work on the cancer blog. Those on the joke list will also most likely benefit.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.
I just started my clinical trial of CC0-220 (whatever that means) today. I will be taking this drug orally for the next 21 days and then I have 7 days off.
I can't say that I am thrilled. I was hoping to get a trial that combined this drug with Velcade. There are four "cohorts" and I got the one with Dexamethosone, but no Velcade. Also, I would rather be on the treatment from a year ago, but I am not. Long story there.
Before starting this clinical trial, they provided me with a "consent form". In the consent form, there was a list of possible side effects - 8 pages of side effects. I kid you not. Eight pages. Most of them, I already have to some degree or another.
This morning, they did a preliminary blood draw in "Laboratory Services". I then had an exam with a nurse practitioner on Floor 7. I then went to "Infusion" on Floor 6 where they gave me IVIG. They gave also me the 10 Dex tablets and drew 12 vials of blood and then gave me the actual CC-220 drug. Next they will wait 3 hours, draw more blood then wait another 2 hours and draw still more blood. That will be the end of the blood samples for today, presumable because by then I will be completely empty.
I have always previously been treated on Floor 7. Treatment for this clinical trial is on floor 6. I feel like I have been demoted. Plus my favorite nurse is on Floor 7. But the floor 6 nurses also seem very nice, though it might take them a while to get used to me.
On the bright side, they have a candy bowl on Floor 6..
So, now Barbara and I have 5 hours to kill while they watch me in case there are disastrous side effects. So far so good. I am using my time to process email and work on the cancer blog. Those on the joke list will also most likely benefit.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone.