Saturday, March 7, 2020

CC-220 : Even Better Numbers

Good news. My latest Clinical Trial seems to be working well - even better this cycle than after last cycle. My M-Spike number is down close to what it was a year ago. I am also feeling pretty good and I have more energy. Side effects remain very tolerable. I am now a week into Cycle 4. Let's hope things keep improving.

We are still at Fox Hill Village and I continue to spend lots of time in the shop. For the last several weeks, I have had an urge to make wooden eggs. I have no idea why. I have been making them out of different kinds of wood to get eggs of different colors. When I want to get fancy, I laminate several pieces of wood together. Then when I cut the egg, it leaves an interesting pattern in the egg. Here is a photo of some of my eggs:

My goal eventually is to make an egg and after 30 days, have it hatch and a little wooden chicken comes out and walks around. FabergĂ© had better look out.

On the negative side, it turns out that I need another "nose job". You may recall that a year or so ago, I had Mohs Surgery on my nose (Mohs Nose) to remove a Basal Skin Carcinoma. Well, it's back and I have to have the surgery redone. Plan is for this to happen next week. So it seems that they will be hacking yet another small bit from my nose. Good thing the nose was rather large to begin with. Unfortunately, the last procedure left the nose a bit bumpy. I am trying to convince myself that the nose bumps give my nose character.

The other thing on my mind is Covid-19. Most people who get the disease can expect to recover - UNLESS they are over 65 (hey - that's me) or have a compromised immune system (Whoa - me again). Not to mention that we are mostly at Fox Hill Village for the winter. And just exactly how is Fox Hill Village different from a cruise ship. Lots of people packed together and eating in the same dining room. Oh - I know. More people coming and going.

So far, we are taking a wait and see attitude, but we are concerned. If and when  the virus takes off in the Boston area, my idea is to head to the New Hampshire house and lock the doors, leaving the property only for supplies and trips to Dana Farber.

So, on that happy note, I will close this update. Thanks for reading. Wash your hands.

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